Monday, July 22, 2013

Fert report and weekend update

   No, Tina Fey is not writing this entry, though I'm sure if she did, it'd be much more comical.  It's been an eventful past few days. Saturday I woke up not feeling too bad, which always surprises me after a retrieval.  I procrastinated around the house, waiting for the RE to call with our fert report.  Finally I had to get in the shower or I'd be late for acupuncture.  Wouldn't you know it, as soon as I got my hair wet, the RE was calling.  I dashed to the phone, but it went to voicemail before I could get it.  I tried to call back but the RE must have been the only on in the office.  His voicemail said hed call back, so I got back in the shower.  well, wouldn't you know, it happened again.  Only this time I only heard the voicemail ring.  Apparently, the RE didn't want to play phone tag with me anymore and left the fert report on my voicemail.  I might just save the message forever. 

   So, here is our fert report.  We retrieved 14 eggs and did ICSI split on them (where they do ICSI on half, and natural fertilization on half).  Of our 7 eggs we ICSI'ed, 6 were mature and 5 fertilized.  Of our 7 natural fertilization, 5 were mature, and 4 fertilized.  In total, we have 9 embryos and are planning for a 5dt on Weds!  I am so elated.  our fertilization rate is 81%!!!   With IVF#2, it was only 66% and 71% with IVF#1.  I can't help but be excited! 

   After that, I ran to acupuncture and to old navy to attempt to find something to wear for a get together I was going to that night.  Thanks to my bloat, nothing really looked right.  I found a top that was a little forgiving in the belly, so that worked out.  I'll tell you though, I thought I was feeling good, but that trip kinda wore me out.  I came home, had some lunch and took it easy till it was time to get ready to go out.  I met up with my IFBFF who drove us downtown to meet up with some fellow IF ladies from a facebook group we're a part of.  As soon as we got to the restaurant, we needed to duck into the bathroom because this wonderful friend of mine was going to do my first PIO injection.  Let me paint the scene for you.

   We're in the handicap stall of a pizza place, tons of other ladies in the bathroom.  All they can hear is my friend telling me to "drop trou" and to bend over and grab the bar.  I keep repeating that I feel like I'm gonna throw up.  She does the shot and I don't even feel it(till the next morning at least)!  She is a true friend. 
   The evening was tons of fun.  I met lots of new people and it was nice to be able to be myself, crazy IF brain and all.  I had been on the fence about going since I had my retrieval the day before, but I'm really glad I went.  I think I needed that.  Plus those women know what we're going through and care about how things are going for us.  It's so nice to have that kind of support, and from relative strangers no less.

  Sunday, we slept in and DH made me eggs for breakfast.  I've been trying really hard to up my protein to help with all this bloating.  The 2 days of eating carbs didn't help, so when my weight was up 7 lbs from pre retrieval, I was a little concerned but wanted to factor diet in too.  Plus the papers from the RE say 5 lb gain in a day, and mine was 3 lbs one day 4 lbs the next.  So I alternated water and protein powder with almond milk all day.  We ran to Menards and the grocery store.  It was nice to get out of the house and spend some time together.  By the end of grocery shopping, I was wiped out, and hanging on the cart due to discomfort.  I was also pretty irritable, which I'd like to blame on the progesterone.  We came home, put everything away and I headed for the couch.

  MY IFBFF was planning to come over to show DH how to do my PIO shot around 6, so I text her and instead of coming over, we decided to double date and go to dinner.  Our DHs hadn't met yet, so I was excited.  We went to their house first for the shot, so DH didn't have to try to bust into the ladies bathroom at the restaurant.  She walked him through step by step, and again, no pain.  I really think I should just keep her on retainer for these shots.  We went to dinner and hung out with them a little afterwards and really had a great time.  On the way home, DH was asking about the shots.  It's very clear he's nervous.  I keep stressing it's like throwing a dart and once he's through the skin, not to stop.  He said he'd watch some you tube videos.  It's hard for him not being into medical stuff at all, and even harder for me to let go of control.  Who knows, maybe our relationship needed this test, like a team building exercise.  ha ha.

   Today, I am waiting to hear what time we go on Weds. from the RE and to hear from the RI about the IVIg I'm supposed to have done tomorrow.  The nurse on Friday said there might be an issue getting it from the pharmacy.  I'm trying not to worry about that, but I'll be seriously pissed if I drive up there tomorrow and it's not there.  Plus I had to rearrange my acupuncture to make it work out.  I sent a message to the nurse practitioner through the portal, so hopefully I'll hear something today.  

  Overall, I feel good.  I've noticed that since starting the PIO that I've had some more negative ideas pop in my head, but I think that's from the PIO.  I'm walking a thin line between being excited and optimistic and afraid to get too excited because I know it can still not work.  I can't wait to hear how our embryos are doing!


  1. I just came across your blog. I am also from chicago and I feel like you are writing my story... Difficult mother, pregnant sister in law, failed IVF and therapy.

    Just wanted you to know you aren't alone in this. We are a silent sorority.

    Wishing you success!

    1. Thanks for reading and good luck to you as well!!

  2. Glad the DH's could meet only took a year :)
