Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Changes and Anxiety

  I've been uninspired as to what to write lately.  Things are still going good.  I got a break from Dr. KK this week, as long as I promised my RE would do a progesterone & estridiol level check.  I'm relieved to not make that trip this week.  I'm still apprehensive about having that other ultrasound person, but, it is what it is.  At least I get to see my lil ones again.  This Friday is my last appointment with my RE.  I'm having really mixed feeling about it.  I know that it's a great thing.  Things are going well, and it's time for me to see the OB.  But I've been with them for over a year now.  It'll feel weird not to see my nurse and the rest of the staff.  My nurse wont even be there Friday.  She does want me to come visit with my big belly, so I'll have to do that, at a time when they don't have patients of course.  I wouldn't want to make anything worse for someone having a hard day. 
   My anxiety has been through the roof lately regarding this baby shower for my brother and sister in law.  I'm still on restricted activity so I have to depend on DH for a majority of the hard work.  My mom seems to feel that her job is to just throw money at everything, versus actually doing some work.  Granted, she also thinks it's a good thing that I'm restricted.  Part of me is still angry that I got bullied into hosting this thing.  I know we should do something, but the way it was gone about was wrong.  There was no respect or sensitivity.  I'm just glad it'll be over soon.  I love my family, but this has been quite a challenge. 
  In an effort to focus on the good, and try not to be so stressed, I borrowed this survey from another blog.
How far along? 8w5d

Size of Baby: raspberries!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: I've been about the same, with a fluctuation of a lb or so either way

Maternity Clothes
I ordered my first pair of maternity jeans, and a few longer tank tops.  so far most of my clothes still fit.  My pre pregnancy jeans fit wierd from losing weight though, so I caved and got maternity that fit.
Sex of Baby: 
Don't know.  I used to think one of each, then I thought 2 boys.  Now I'm back to one of each or 2 girls lol.
Belly Button In/Out: In

Stretch Marks:
No new ones, had them when I went through puberty though.
Labor Signs: Nope

Movement: nope

Sleep: Maybe a few hours at a time.  I've been having to get up a couple times a night to go tot he bathroom

Cravings/Aversions: cravings-carbs and green olives.  Aversions- none lately

Symptoms: Back pain, hip pain, fatigue, frequent urination, cramping/pressure in the ute area, breakouts

Feeling: excited, nervous

Best Moment this Week:
My husband got to hear the heartbeats at our last appointment and I'll graduate from my RE this Friday
What I Miss:  Sleep, not being so tired.  Not being restricted on my activity

What I am Looking Forward To: our next ultrasound

Milestones:  everyday is a milestone, its always the furthest we've gotten

Baby Milestones:
Now she weighs in (yay!) at about .04 ounces and measures about .63 inches. This week, she's growing about a milimeter each day.  You can't feel it yet, but she's moving those arms and legs like crazy!  Her fingers and toes are now only slightly webbed, and her tail (yes, she had one) is gone.  Fun fact: your baby's taste buds are now forming.

Next Appointment: Sept 7th, 9 weeks.  Final RE appt. First OB appt Sept 10th

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