Wednesday, August 7, 2013


  Hi all!  Things have been going well.  Still settling into the idea that I'm pregnant, but every day it gets more real.  I've been thinking a lot about how to transition this blog.  I know that a lot of my readers are still dealing with IF themselves and therefor hearing the details of my pregnancy might be hard.  I don't want to hurt anyone.  However, I'd also like to believe that because of our journey that maybe it'd be different. 
  Today is 4w5d.  I officially have one week till my first ultrasound.  The RI is doing weekly ones so I'll actually have that one done before I have the "official" one done with the RE.  This caused a scheduling snag for us.  I really wanted DH to be at the one with the RE, since there's a chance we may hear heartbeat(s).  So we opted for one at 7:30 am and he will go to work late.  Thats a week from Fri.  The RI is over an hour away, so for DH to come with for that one would be more difficult.  I also am not sure if they let the husbands in the room.  I know they didn't for the pre pregnancy ultrasounds.  So I'm going to that one alone.  Which kinda sucks since I'll be finding out how many embryos took all by myself.  My plan to turn that into something positive is that I will be getting something special for DH to tell him.  I'm thinking 1 or 2 onsies depending on how many babies.  I have a week to think about it. 
  We still haven't told family.  One of my aunts knows but only because I needed her to do my PIO the other night.  I think we're going to wait till after we hear heartbeat(s).  DH is being very reserved about telling people.  While part of me tends to agree, it's hard to keep quiet.  I know that the world will know once my mom knows though.  And I'm not sure if I'm ready for that.  I think a part of me is waiting for the other shoe to drop.  I just need to get to next week. 

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