Friday, August 16, 2013

Go Big or Go Home

  It's been awhile since I wrote.  I didn't mean for that to happen, but work has been kinda nuts.  I'll try harder, I promise.  Today marks 6w!  Every single day is the most pregnant I've ever been.  So far, things are going good.  I'm occasionally nauseous but haven't gotten sick, boobs are sore and feeling kinda huge today, nothing I can't handle.  I started getting ultrasounds this week too.

  My first appointment was on Wednesday with Dr. KKs office.  As soon as I got there, I was taken back by the same person that did my original scan with my preliminary work up.  I didn't care for her much then and I still dont.  We ended up doing the scan in what looked like her personal office.  there was a curtain set up near her filing cabinet for my "privacy," if you could call it that.  She puts my information in the computer and asked me questions about the cycle.  Apparently she hadn't read my chart.  I told her I was 5w5d and she proceeds to argue with me that I'm really 5w based on some calculation she was doing.  Um no, my ER was on 7/19, that makes me 5w5d.  She also put in a fake LMP for me for July.  I haven't had a period since June.  I let it go, but i was so frustrated.  Anyways, she started the scan by checking my cervix.  Nice and long at 4 cm.  yay.  then she starts looking.  We find one sac with a yolk sac, so she measures it.  Then she continues to look, and we found another sac with a yolk sac!  Thats right!  TWINS!!  She measures that one and tells me that twin B is measuring smaller than twin A.  Okay, well that can happen.  She proceeds to tell me that B might not continue to grow.  Talk about pulling the rug out from under me.  I just learned I'm having twins, and now youre telling me that I might lose one?!  I was so upset.  I told her I know that's a possibility.  She continued the scan and at at least 4 points in the scan she felt the need to remind me B might not make it.  I wanted to scream at her.  I get it!  I'm aware I might not get ANY babies.  Instead, I just shut down.  Thankfully she finished the scan.  I wanted to run out of that room.  She didn't even offer me a picture, and acted inconvenienced that I asked for one.
  I went to the MA next, who drew a bunch of labwork.  Some results have already come back and are good.  The NP met with me after that.  We talked for a long time about the plan now.  I feel confident in it.  She told me my blood flow to both babies is in the normal range and that everything looks good.  Twin B measured 2 days behind, but she said that was okay.  We are more looking at growth from week to week.  I will continue to see them weekly through first trimester.  On a side note, I emailed the NP today and asked if I can set up who I have my u/s with and explained the situation.  I hope she doesnt think Im just some crazy lady and I'm not trying to get anyone in trouble.  I just think she needs more sensitivity.  Chances are if shes doing things like that to me, shes doing it to other people too and that's not right.

  The appt with the RE today went much better.  My favorite nurse did my scan and DH could be there.  Both lil ones are there, we see a fetal pole in B now and we even saw a flicker of a heartbeat  in A.  I'm so in love.  The RE was there, and touched base as to what Dr. KKs plans are.  He seems okay with everything.  When I had come out of the room after getting redressed, the RE said congrats and gave me a hug.  It was slightly akward so I cracked a joke about how it only took a year to get the warm fuzzys from him.  My nurse hugged me too.  I'll stay with them until close to 9-10 weeks.  I'll be sad to leave them.
  We still haven't told our families.  DH wanted to wait till we have heartbeats.  Since B is being pokey, that means not yet.  I still can't figure out how to do it.  I want to do something big, but DH is like "why can't we just tell them?"  Men. ha ha ha.   

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