Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Who's afraid of needles??

When I went to the RI last week, I asked her about acupuncture.  She said there's a lot of studies saying it helps.  I asked for a referral, and this is the one she gave me http://easternhealing.org/.  So I have an appointment for tomorrow for a consult and a session.  I'm nervous.  As a person that is phobic with needles, I have a hard time thinking people find it relaxing, but if it will help us have a baby, I'm willing to try it. 

I'm still waiting to hear back about the missing labwork results.  I sent Dr KK an email today, so I should hear back within a couple days.  I reminded her that I am still scheduled for IVF in July, and want to be aggressive as possible to make that happen.  Hopefully she'll greenlight me.  It's either that or waiting till September.  Last September wasn't too lucky for us.  It's out of my hands now though.


  1. I tried acupuncture and I hate needles too. It was honestly fine. The needles are SO small that I barely even equated them as actual "needles". The first time is slightly weird but you'll get used to it very quickly and I hope you do find it relaxing. IMHO, I didn't think it was doing anything for me so I stopped going but I hope you have a different experience!

    GL with the plan for IVF in July!

  2. FX for you!! I hope acupuncture is a good experience for you! I've always wanted to try it but it's so expensive here!

  3. Thanks everyone! I really enjoyed it!
