Friday, February 22, 2013

The hits just keep on commin

I had my saline sonogram today (SIS or SHG depending on what other REs call it).  Basically, they use a catheter, go through my cervix and fill the uterus with fluid.  This is done to look as the shape, as well as to see if anything else could being going on in there (polyps, fibroids etc).  When you do a notmal ultrasound, the uterus is like a deflated balloon, so you can't really see if anythings growing in there.  When you fill it with saline, anything growing floats away from the uterine wall. 

I was told this test was similar to the HSG (hysterosalpingogram-where they instill dye through a catheter to check the patency of your fallopian tubes) but is less uncomfortable.  Knowing this, immediately I was nervous.  I fall into a small group of women that have really bad experiences with the HSG.  When I had mine done, I cramped so badly when they put the catheter in that I could not straighten my legs.  I made sure to take a lot of ibuprofen about a half an hour before the test this time.  My poor Liver must hate me.  First, the tech did a regular ole transvag u/s.  Then came part 2.  My RE came in and put in the speculum, cleaned my cervix and got going.  I will say, I had some of the same cramping, it just wasnt as intense.  I could feel him inflating the balloon, speculum comes out, then the u/s probe goes back in.  I'd have cramping with the manipulation of the catheter, but then it would subside.  It felt like he was looking at things forever.  The whole test lasted maybe 30-40min.  When they were done, I got to get dressed and meet him outside the room.

The RE told me to make an appt to come talk to him about the results.  I told him that was making me nervous.  He said that he saw a polyp and that we should take care of it before going further.  When I asked him if I would still probably be okay to cycle with April, he said probably not.  On the plus side, he told me all my labwork so far has come back okay (except my cholesterol's a little high).  I made an appt to see him wednesday to talk about our options.  When I got to the car, I cried.  Partially because I don't feel well from the test, partially because I feel like this is a setback.  I had everything arranged at work finally to make this cycle work.  But the more I think about it, it's good that we caught this.  If this damn polyp is the reason why I'm not getting pregnant, then I need it out like yesterday!  Maybe it's all supposed to work out this way.  I have my RI appt on March 5th.  maybe between that & the polyp, we'll have a super strong plan when it's time to cycle again.  At least maybe we're finding answers.

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