Monday, February 18, 2013

an Update

Friday I went in for my quarterly blood letting.  9 vials of blood.  Yuck!  Now I wait for results.  My saline ultrasound is on Friday and I am starting to get nervous.  I know they told me it won't be as bad as my HSG, but part of me is still dreading it. 

On the plus side, I finally got my protocol and dates.  It finally feels real.  I start BCPs on Wednesday, Lupron (20 units) on 3/10, Baseline is 3/22 and stims start 3/23 as well as decreasing my lupron dose.  I'll be back on the baby aspirin too (we'll see about heparin once we know if I have a clotting disorder).  I do get steroids this cycle too (prednisone).  The nurse in me was very happy to see there is a tapered dosing schedule for it too.  I'll start w 10 mg daily through stims, then after retrieval it increases to 3x a day for a week.  then I taper off.  Very safe way to manage the steroids.  I also get my standard estrogen patches, crinone, doxycycline and valium. 

I'm still planning to see Dr Kwak-Kim on 3/5.  I am worried about the cost, but it's better than not knowing/missing something.  I am just hoping I have my lab results by then so we don't have to double draw. 

I've been really bitter lately and I want to blame the fact that I got my period and got sick all at the same time.  Talk about stress on the body!  One good thing that is coming out of it is that I am learning to be a little selfish and not worry so much about making everyone else happy.  I know my limits and have been sticking to them instead of putting on the brave face and suffering in silence. 

I need to go stock up on my vitamins now that my labs are drawn.  I also want to set up an appt for acupuncture and possibly find a therapist that specializes in infertility.  I also need to get my butt back in the gym and restart tracking my calorie intake.  I've fallen off since getting sick, but on the plus side, I haven't regained anything I've lost.  Once my nose stops running like a faucet, I'll start working out again.  It's Go time!!! 

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