Friday, March 8, 2013

Post Op Follow Up

  I had my follow up with the RE today from my surgery Monday.  The appt went well.  He even gave me a copy of my photos!  He told me he got the polyp and that when he was looking around, noted that there was an area that was unusually thicker than the rest, which could have been the beginning of another polyp so he took care of that too.  Pathology also came back on the tissue he sent.  It was completely benign!  No cancer for this girl!  What a relief!  I know the risk of cancer was very low, but I was still worried about it.  He warned me my AF may be different this month, both in timing and the actual bleeding.  I reminded him I am still on the BCPs, so we were able to talk about when I can cycle again.
   Since the RE requires some time off after surgery to heal, we looked at the May week.  He played with some dates as far as BCPs & all that, and it looks like I am good to go for IVF#3 in May!  He modified my calender and I was able to set up my appts already for monitoring.  It feels so good to have a plan!  The schedule looks like this:
BCPs: 2/20-3/16 then restart BCPs 3/25-4/16 (he didn't want to leave me on bcps consecutively)
Lupron 20 units/daily starting 4/14, start baby aspirin
4/26-Baseline labs & u/s, start Prednisolone 10 mg daily
4/27-Start stims and decrease lupron to 10 units/daily.  Menopur 225IU in the mornings, Follistim 150IU in the evening.
4/29 start Doxycycline (ugh)   
5/1, 5/3, 5/4, 5/6 Monitoring  5/5 stop baby aspirin until after ER
Hopefully ER date should be about 5/8.  Once I'm retrieved, I'll increase the prednisolone to 3X a day for a week, then start to wean off( 1Xdaily for 14 days, then 1 pill every other day X5 days)

We are going to continue using the Crinone, starting the day after the ER, but the RE is also adding PIO (progesterone in oil) IM shots every other day.  I've never really had an issue with progesterone before, but we want to throw the kitchen sink into this cycle.  I'll continue that through the Beta, and if it's positive, until we have an U/S at approx 6 weeks.  I'm nervous about them, since they go in my backside and I really can't do them myself.  I'll have my nurse show DH, but I'm hoping I can find enough of my nurse friends to help me so he doesn't have to do too many. 

Wow.  I really have a plan!  I'm really starting to think these socks are lucky!! 

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