Tuesday, December 11, 2012

And now, we wait.

  Well folks, the two week wait is upon us.  I know Im being heard too, since I see I actually have followers now.  Thanks to all my loyal listeners!  Both the ER & ET are over and now Im just in limbo.  So let's que the dream sequence.....

ER was on 12/5.  We arrived bright and early and thanks to having gone through it before, I didn't get too nervous until I was on the table & they were going to start my IV.  The nurse anesthetist had a hard time finding a good vein which just skyrocketed my anxiety, but once she got it, it was smooth sailing.  She even gave me some zofran because I told her I sometimes get sick from anesthesia.  What a sweetheart, but talk about a horrible case of drymouth!  The RE came in all ready to get started then next thing I knew I was waking up.  IVF & IF sucks, but man do they give good drugs!  I worried when I woke up cause I felt strangely fine.  Then they told me we got 16 eggs!  Thats right folks, double what I got last time!!  I got moved to a recovery room, lots of vitals & more IV fluids.  And the best juicebox I've ever had in my life!  They took out my IV & told me I could get redressed & go home.  They didnt go get DH this time, but thats okay, I just wanted to go home.  I spent the rest of the day resting on the couch and drinking more gatorade than is humanly possibly.  Which consequently lead to having to go to the bathroom every 20-40 min.  I must have done something right though cause I really haven't felt at all like I did last cycle.

The REs office called the next day with the fert report.  When I answered the phone, it was the RE himself.  I immediately asked what's wrong!?  Nothing was wrong, he just had my fert report & the nurse wasn't in the office that day (okay girl, breathe!) Okay, sit down & brace yourself for this.  ready?  Of our 16 eggs, 12 of them were mature!  It gets better, they had enough eggs to divide them into two groups.  One group, they would let fertilize naturally and the other they would ICSI.  Of the mature eggs, 3 fertilized naturally and 5 fertilized with ICSI!  The best part of the phone call?  He was pushing us to a 5 day transfer!!!  OMG!!!!  a 5dt means we would be transferring our sweet lil embies back in on mine & dh's dating anniversary (we've been together 10 years, can you believe it??!)  I think it's a sign!

So flash forward to yesterday.  I follow all my directions to the letter & show up nice and early.  The valium was already kicking in by the time the nurse brings me back to check my bladder.  My nursing bladder didn't win this time, I drank double the water I was supposed to & was good to go!  DH & I get put in a room to get ready, ie paper gown & nothing on from the waist down for me & some kind of smock thing for him.  Plus booties for our feet.  The RE comes in to give us the scoop on the embies.  Turns out we had 3 that made it to day 5.  One was a morula (stage before a blast) that they would continue to watch to see if it caught up to freeze.  We also had 2 blasts!  One was an early blast that came from the natural fertilization group, the other was a fully expanded blast, which is what happens right before they hatch!  OMFG get outta TOWN!  We have MotherTruckin blasts!!!!!!  obviously, we chose to transfer the 2 blasts back in.  They took us in the room, strapped my legs into the huge stirrups & away we went.  Last transfer, I barely felt anything.  This one was more painful but nothing unbearable.  First the speculum was too short I think, so they got a longer one.  Then it felt like he was digging around in there for what felt like FOREVER, like how many options do you have doc?  I caught myself tensing up & had to keep deep breathing to make myself relax.  Finally it was time to put them in.  They were handed into the room through the little door in the wall (dh's favorite part) and I focused on the ultrasound screen.   Then they were in!  the embryologist checked the catheter to make sure they weren't hiding out & all systems were a go!  Speculum came out, thank god & the nurse was waiting with the bedpan.  I swear if it had gone on much longer, I might have peed on the RE.  That's what I get for trying to outsmart my bladder!  In the glory of using the bedpan, it definately overflowed and got the table and the back of my shirt.  Epic fail!  I had to lay put for 20 min then we could go.

The RE noted that my cervix looked pretty irritated and suggested we change my progesterone from the endometrin (remember I had bleeding with that one last time too) to Crinone gel.  They gave me enough to get through the week & if it works well, then we'll order through my mail order pharm & I'll replenish their stock.  I also got a Dr. note for work to limit my lifting, since I'm on restriction until at least the beta.  We set our beta appt for a week from friday & home we went. 

All & All, I feel pretty good.  Occasional cramping & twinges, but nothing too bad.  The Crinone isn't bad either.  I start estrogen patches tomorrow & oh boy I can't wait.  Those made me nuts before. 

The embryologist called today to update me on the morula.  Unfortunately, it couldn't be frozen, but she told me she was glad I was resting and to send her a photo in 9 months.  I'm thankful for her optimism.  If anyone should be able to be optimistic, it should be the embryologist.  This is it.  I can feel it!  Oh, my trigger is pretty much gone too (it's a super uber faint shadow at 7dptrigger).

If anyone is curious to know how things progress after a 5dt, this is the reference I've been using.http://www.nyufertilitycenter.org/ivf/embryo_transfer

Thanks for stoppin by!