Saturday, January 19, 2013


  Things have been going okay lately.  Our appointment to talk about the last IVF cycle is Tuesday and I think the ICU nurse in me is in overdrive.  I have an outline of questions I want to discuss, as well as followup questions based on his answers.  I hope he's ready for me.  Some of my questions focus on potentially working in tandem with a reproductive immunologist for the next cycle.  I think given my family history with blood clots, heart problems, strokes, etc that it is a good idea to check everything out we possibly can.  I don't want to go into the next cycle with thoughts of doubt in my head.  If we find something, we can treat it accordingly.  If there's nothing, then I'll know we did everything we can regardless of the outcome.  I also intend to talk to him about doing a saline sonogram and endometrial biopsy.  I realize that makes me sound borderline munchausen syndrome, but I just need to be sure everything's alright.  Plus there are studies showing that having the biopsy done helps with implantation.  Why not try!?

  I've started getting things set up with a reproductive immunologist (RI).  Ive been reading other people experiences online and Im kind of excited.  They look for problems in your immune system and 99% of what they look for has a treatment.  What do I have to lose?  (besides about 20 vials of blood)  So I had to fill out a 12 page patient history form, get my medical records to them for a nurse to review and then they call you for an appt.  I called them after sending my records to them at fedex just to make sure they got the patient forms I faxed.  Turns out that they are booked until the first week of March.  Guess when the next retrieval week I can get in on is.  You guessed it.  First week of march.  So my dilemma is: Do I wait to cycle till first week of May (that's the next available after the March group) or do I see if my RE can do a lot of this testing & modify my protocol?  I see pros & cons on each side.  If I wait to cycle, I have more time to lose weight, and will hopefully have all the RIs input for the next cycle and hopefully increasing our chance of success.  May just seems so far away!  If the RE will help with testing, then I can hopefully cycle sooner, but thats less time to lose weight and I don't know how much he'll go along with it.  I think it sounds like waiting till May is the better option at this point, but we'll see what the RE has to say on Tuesday. 

  The diet has been going well, apparently I'm down 9 lbs, which bring my bmi to 40.2.  Slowly but surely!!  I'm hoping that since I'm combating AF bloat, that once she's gone, I'll see more loss.  Wish me luck!!!


  1. Just found your blog. Sorry to read about everything you have gone through. I look forward to reading and rooting for you this year! The RI sounds like a good option - I hope they give you some answers!
