Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Roll out the red carpet!!

My dear friend Kate of Jim & Kate plus 8...8 doctors that is :) nominated me for a Liebster award!  Gosh this comes as such a shock, I don't even have a speech prepared!  I should thank all of my English teachers for teaching me how to properly form a sentence, my husband for putting up with my craziness, and I suppose Infertility, for giving me something to write about.  Thanks Kate!!

This award is given to new or up-and coming-bloggers who have less than 200 followers. The award is then passed along to other bloggers in the same category to help spread the word and support one another. What a fun way to get to know other bloggers!

If you receive a nomination, there are a few rules to follow:

1) Each blogger nominated must post 11 things about themselves.
2) Then answer the 11 questions the tagger has asked.
3) Blogger must then create 11 questions of their own to ask the bloggers they decide to nominate.
4) They must choose 11 bloggers with less than 200 followers to nominate and link them on their blog post.
5) Bloggers must be notified of their award!
6) No tag backs!

So here are my 11 things about me.

1. My brother and I are born on the same day, 3 years apart.  Im older. 

2.I have a deep love of horror movies/shows etc.  Its a love I got from my dad.  I will pick something scary over a chick flick any day.

3.  I used to be terrified of needles.  Like run from the room, have a panic attack kind of terror.  I do fine when I have to stick someone else, thankfully.  IVF has helped me get over that fear pretty quick, but my blood pressure still sky rockets when I have to get an IV.

4.  Being a nurse was never an intentional career choice for me.  For awhile I wanted to be a cop (I have a ton of family that are cops), and then I wanted to be a music teacher.  I even was a music major my first year of college.  I wanted to teach choir, and sing all the time.  I also used to play guitar, can pick out a tune on the piano (my instructor at WIU said I didn't practice enough), and can read sheet music.      

5. I met Jeremy while performing in a madrigal dinner together during our first semester at WIU.  We were 18.  So, yes, we've been together 10 years.  

6.  I am socially awkward because I worry about what other people think too much.

7.  I am a coffee-holic.  I've restricted myself to 1 cup a day, and completely cut it out when we are in an IVF cycle.  Doing so might be more difficult for me than the shots.  lol

8.  I have broken the same leg 2 times.  I spent a good chunk of my early teens in a cast up to my hip, on crutches and in physical therapy.  I had 5 surgeries on it as a result and now have a rod & screws.  No MRIs for this girl!

9.  When I was 18, my dad passed away from a massive heart attack.  It changed my life, but I am proud of the person I am because of it.
10.  I really want a hedgehog.  I just love those lil hedgies!!

11.  Im a cubs fan.  Surprising since I've always been a southsider. lol

And here are the questions from Kate

1) What is your favorite season?  There's something I love about every season, but if I had to pick one, Id say summer.  There's nothing better than driving with all the windows open, blasting some good music.

2) Do you know how to swim?  Sure do!  It's my favorite activity.  I even swam on the team in high school(distance swimmer, 500 freestyle was my event)

3) What's your favorite meal?  Ooh tough one.  I love my carbs, so pasta is always a favorite.

4) Do you prefer texting or calling? Depends who it is, texting for the most part though

5) Do you have any pets, if so what kind?We have 4 pets, 2 bearded dragons (I call them Carl & Ellie-not quite sure if thats what Jeremy thinks theyre called though) and 2 orange tabby cats named Dunkin & Murray.  Theyre just over a year old and my babies.  If you look back to the post about our first shipment of IVF meds, they make a guest appearance.

6) If you press shuffle on iTunes/iPod/iPhone, what are the first 3 songs that play?  Try-Pink, Commin in hot-Hollywood Undead, Payphone-Maroon 5

7) If you could have lunch with any person dead or alive, who would it be? My dad.  or Maybe John Lennon.

8)  What is your favorite TV show?  Hmm another tough one.  Greys anatomy, American Horror Story, the office, Bobs burgers are all on the top of my list.

9) Do you like your job? If not, what would you prefer to do?I LOVE my job.  I had never planned to be a nurse, but I really cant imagine myself doing anything else.  

10) What would you do if you won the lottery?  Pay off my student loans!  And any of the rest of our debt, including the house.  Maybe put more thought into adoption.

11) What were you doing 30 minutes ago? I ate an apple with peanut butter after being at the gym.

My Questions for my Nominees:
1. Favorite memory from your childhood?
2. If you're married, what was your first dance song? 
3.  What was your best vacation?
4.  If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
5.  Where would you live if you could live anywhere?
6.  Can you speak another language besides English?
7.  Do you have any hobbies?
8.  Favorite way to spend a day off work?
9.  Least favorite food?
10.  If you had $1000 to spend on anything you want, what would it be?
11.  How would you best describe your personality?

And the Nominees are......
1. Betsy BS and everything else
2. KristyKay Strength, Hope and Everything in between
3. Kati The Juice is worth the squeeze
4.  Jane Infertilityland is not like Disneyland
5. Lisa The road to baby Oz

I know I was supposed to have 11, but Im out of people that havent already gotten a Liebster!  If I missed you, let me know & I'll nominate you too!


  1. Pssst...I already nominated Lisa :)
    This is fun, I liked reading your answers!

  2. I saw that after i posted. Whoops!
