I know I just wrote a post, but I thought talking about the egg retrieval (ER), embryo transfer (ET) and everything just deserved its own post. I was instructed to trigger sunday night for a tuesday morning ER. I got the standard set of instructions, nothing to eat or drink after 10pm, arrive half an hour early etc. We got there around 9:30, and they took me back almost right away. I was instructed to change into the paper gown & the anestheologist was in to take my history. She walked me back to the procedure room, in my paper gowned, bootied & hat glory. I started to get nervous once I saw the room. They had me lie on a table with these gigantic stirrups. They started an iv, which hurt like a bitch, but I shouldn't complain since it only took one stick. She gave me a little versed first & I completely relaxed. Next thing I knew, I was waking up & it was over. They helped me to a little recovery room and brought my husband back to be with me. I didn't feel too bad, just kinda sore. I had to hang out until I got the whole IV bag in, then they gave me some juice, sat me up, took out the iv & let me go home. We ended up being able to get 8 eggs. Not quite the amount I had hoped for, but better than nothing. I spent the next couple days taking it easy on the couch. All in all, recovery wasn't bad. I felt very bloated and heavy, but nothing I couldnt manage with tylenol. They called the day after the ER with our fert report. Of our 8 eggs, 7 were mature, and 5 fertilized. The called2 days after the ER to schedule our ET for the next day. I was a little disappointed they wanted to do a 3day transfer(3dt) vs. a 5dt but happy that the embies were growing well enough to transfer. They had me come in on friday 9/14 for the transfer. I had been instructed to take my valium half an hour before I was supposed to show up at the center and to eat a light breakfast. I had been told it'd be just like my IUIs but with ultrasound guidance, which required a full bladder. They checked my bladder to see if I was full from drinking the water I was instructed to & of course it wasn't. I blame my nursing bladder. So 20 minutes and another bottle of water later, I was ready. Back into the gown & hat/booties, and back into that room I went. At least my husband got to be in there this time. I got strapped in, verrified my name for the lab (they better have put my embies back!) We had talked to the RE before we went in about how many to put back. We had the following embryos growing: 1-10 cell grade 4, 1-8 cell grade 4, 1-8 cell grade 3 & 1-6 cell grade 2. We opted to put back the 2 grade 4 embies. The tranfser itself was painless. It was like an IUI, except my IUIs sometimes hurt. I had to lay there for 20 minutes after, thankfully they offered me a bedpan(gross I know). I got to get up then, get dressed & we were on our way. I had 2 days of bedrest, but now I'm just limited in lifting more more than 10-15 lbs, no sex, no exercise, no tobacco/alcohol (duh!). All in all, not bad. So as of right now, I am PUPO (pregnant until proven otherwise)with a beta set for 9/26. I dont know how I'll make it till then. Oh! I forgot, wanna see the best part? the RE gave us a photo of our embies!

They are the little white dot with the arrow pointing to it. I know its kinda hard to see.
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