Tuesday, November 12, 2013

And the verdict is.....

   We're having a boy AND a girl!!  I had an ultrasound on Monday with Dr. KK.  While we knew that baby B is a boy, baby A was the mystery.  Until Monday.  Nadia, my favorite ultrasound person, was able to get a good view of baby A from below.  She told me that at this point, she usually sees something there if it's a boy (and showed me where to look).  She didn't see anything, so it's a girl!  I can't believe that we're having a son and daughter! 
   Other than that, the appointment went well.  We drew labs, and hopefully will get to stop the progesterone this time.  I'll also be off the prednisone and metformin this Friday.  It's strange to transition to being more "normal" although I doubt I'll ever see myself as such.  I do, unfortunately, have a new pain.  It seems like it's my pubic bone itself.  I'm guessing the pregnancy hormones are kicking in to get my pelvis ready for delivery (in 18ish more weeks), but this really hurts. 
  I also had it confirmed during my ultrasound that those wierd, jabby feelings I've been having is, in fact, the babies moving!  I kind of felt like an idiot for not thinking it sooner, but with the anterior placentas, I thought I'd feel it later than this.  All in all, not a bad week so far.

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on being team purple! That is so exciting! I hope the pregnancy is going well.
