Thursday, May 1, 2014

New start

Hello readers!  I'm sure you've all figured out by now that the babies are here.  It's been a crazy ride so far.  To be honest, I've noticed I blogged less once we became pregnant and part of me thinks I'm subconsciously trying to protect those having bad IF days.  Since I'm having those thoughts, I think it's best I write about the babies and such in a separate blog.  You can find that blog here :

The readers digest version of the past few months goes like this:  For the most part, the remainder of the pregnancy was fairly uneventful.  I started to show slight blood pressure changes towards the end, but not enough to worry my OBs too much.  I worked until 36w5d and went in for our scheduled c-section at 37w.  That was by far the most amazing and most terrifying day of my life.  We arrived at our scheduled time, changed, got hooked to a monitor and my IV started.  The drew preeclampsia labs, as my blood pressure was high.  I chalked it up to being scared, but we didn't want to take chances.  We met with anesthesiology who did not really calm any fears about the spinal, but there was no turning back.  I was taken to the OR, got my spinal (ouch!), foley and skin prep.  My OB came in and we started testing the block.  I couldn't feel anything, which was a strange feeling.  He began the surgery and DH was brought in.  The anesthesiologist was kind enough to offer to take our photo and the surgery continued.

Working in NICU at my hospital came with the perk that I chose who came back for my delivery.  I chose the nurse that has been a 2nd mom to me and my work BFF.  My favorite neonatologist also came and had talked to me earlier in the week to calm my fears.  It felt like a lifetime from the time I knew they started to when they got to the uterus, although it was maybe half an hour from the time I arrived in the OR.  Dr. Block (the anesthesiologist-no joke that's his real name) had DH stand up to watch.  That made me nervous as I know he doesnt do well with that kinda stuff-but he did fine.  At 9:53 am, our daughter Lucille Grace was born, followed at 9:54 by her brother William Jeremy.  Both babies cried immediately and I sobbed.  I had worried so much about their respiratory effort that the cries were amazing.  I tried to focus my brain on what I knew they were doing for my babies at the warmers and trying my best to listen to them.  Both of them had apgars of 9 & 9.  DH was allowed over to them & took photos.  The babies were brought to me before going to the nursery for some observation.  The neonatologist told me they were perfect, but because Lucy was breech, she'd probably need a hip ultrasound.  I told DH to go with them.  And he did.
     Going into the delivery, I had worried about what would happen after they were delivery.  Once everyone for the babies was gone, it was time to close me up.  That's when things got hairy.  I could hear the OB teaching the resident anatomy and was talking about how my uterus should be contracting down but wasn't.  Being a nurse, I knew that meant I was bleeding more than I should.  Dr. Block asked if I wanted something to relax & maybe sleep.  I declined as I was worried about the situation on the other side of the curtain.  Next he tells me he has to give me a shot, which I thought was strange.  And then I got a 2nd one.  At this point I started to feel woozy and could see dips in my vitals in the monitor over my head.  After that, its a bit blurry until they were stapling me up and moving me to recovery.  As it turns out, my uterus was not clamping down as it should.  The shots were a medicine to help that.
  I spent some time in recovery, where I got to have the best ice chips known to man.  Dh got to rejoin me, with photos, stats and an update on our beautiful babies.  Lucy weighed in at 5lbs 8oz 18 inches long and Will was 5lbs4oz 18.5 inches, both every bit of perfect.
  We spent 4 days in the hospital before going home.  In that time, I learned the medicine they gave me to help my uterus causes uncontrolled diarrhea, its okay to decline students, and you have to be your own advocate always especially when it comes to pain control.  But I'd do it all over again for them.  In a heartbeat.

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