Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I'm sorry the blog has been quiet.  I can't really decide where my brain wants to be at.  The weekend was fun.  We did end up going to Navy Pier with our friends, had dinner rode the Ferris Wheel, all that fun touristy stuff.  Originally my plan was to do our PIO shot in the parking garage.  Well, we had to park so far away that DH didn't want to go all the way back to the car.  I offered to just go in a corner or behind a staircase.  Nope.  He wanted to find a family bathroom.  Okay fine.  One problem.  We couldn't find one.  We went to Harry Carrey's for dinner, which had bathrooms so we opted to just use one.  Well, there was a ton of traffic going in & out of the ladies room, so I kinda paniced and said no way.  We ended up in the men's room handicap stall.  Oh the things we'll do for a baby!  Later, we found out there was a family bathroom.  I thought it was a closet.  At least I got a cool story out of it.

I heard back from my NP about all that labwork.  She increased my synthroid and reassured me that a higher TSH shouldn't effect implantation.  She also felt that my progesterone level was too low for her comfort so she called in prometrium for me to take orally.  Yes, that's right, now I'm on 3 different progesterones.  PIO, crinone and oral prometrium.  I've been taking it at night to avoid the side effects and will have that level checked on friday when I get my beta drawn.

Speaking of beta, I'm nervous.  I had some cramping yesterday, but I think it was from being on my feet so much at work.  I also managed to play connect the bruises with my lovenox shots, so the entire left side of my abdomen from belly button to hip is now blue with a huge bruise and it hurts.  So maybe its that too.  I still think my boobs feel bigger than normal,  Im tired, sometimes irritable, hungry, some food/smell aversions. ... but again, it could be due to the progesterone.  I have stuck to my promise not to use home tests, but I can feel my will faltering.  Part of me just wants to know.  another part of me if afraid of the answer, so ignorance is bliss.  People at work have said I'm glowing.  Maybe that's the hormones too.  Who knows.  I wish it were Friday already....then again, maybe I don't.

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