Yesterday was our embryo transfer. That makes another 5dt for us! I was so excited! I'm fairly certain that we were the first transfer of the day. My instructions went like this: hold 6am dose of crinone. Eat a light breakfast. Empty bladder at 6:30, then take valium and hit the road. Arrive by 7am at clinic and start drinking water. Transfer at 7:30. Well, my nursing bladder didn't go along with that plan. I had to drink more water. As I was doing so, the embryologist herself came out to talk to us. Usually it's just the RE. She told us that of our original 9 embryos, 6 were still going strong. 2 of them were fully expanded blasts (which were what we chose to transfer), and 4 were early blasts. She said she'd watch them another day and if they still looked good, and had caught up to the others, she could freeze them. I almost cried.
It was finally time to go back to the transfer. We changed into our booties and gowns and in we went. I like that they keep the room dim. I think the embryos like it too, but for me it's more relaxing. I got my legs strapped into the giant stirrups and waited. When the RE came in, he made a comment about how he thinks we found the right drug cocktail for us. At first I thought he meant because I was so happy (partially from the valium), but later I realized he must have meant the protocol we used for stimming. I think he's right. The change in protocol helped. Along with everything else we did differently.
Next came all the prep. get the ultrasound ready, squash the bladder, insert speculum and clean. check! I did have some minor cramping, but I think it was because of the speculum. It stopped before he actually did the transfer. The whole thing took less than 20 minutes. By far the least uncomfortable transfer we've had. I got to use the bedpan, then hang out lying there for about 20 minutes or so. We got the ceremonious "first baby(ies) photo. I'm scheduled for beta on 8/2. Thankfully I am off that day. The past 2 cycles, I've had to work. Everything is different this time!
DH and I spent the rest of the day together. We went to see Despicable Me 2 (babies first movie) and to pick up his coronet. By then, I was ready to hit the couch and was having some cramping. I spent the rest of the night taking it easy. DH even made a yummy dinner of stuffed peppers. I restarted Lovenox injections as well and now will be doing them 2 times a day. Fun!! PIO hasn't gone too badly, and I have started letting DH do them. He's done so well, even when yesterday's stung pretty bad. I'm so proud of him.
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