Well, I survived acupuncture. Honestly, it was pretty relaxing. The appointment started with an interview. I think he asked me more questions about my cycles than my RE did. Little details down to color & flow even. The interview took maybe 20 min or so, there were a lot of questions. Next he looked at my tongue. I forgot to ask why, though I've heard that the traditional chinese medicine places do that. I'll have to ask next time. We moved to the treatment room, and he had me lay down and did some instructions for breathing. Next thing I knew he was sticking needles in my feet and legs. I also had 2 in my left ear and one in the top of my head. Then he left me to relax for about 40 minutes. They play really quiet music and I was right by a window so I could watch the clouds go by. It was really nice.
I had a lot of time to think while I was laying there. He told me ideally, 3-4 months should get us egg improvement. That falls right in line with the wait till september idea DH had. Maybe it's not such a bad idea. It gives me more time to lose weight and get into the healthiest state I can be. Plus then I can stop birth control for awhile. Who knows, maybe it'd happen naturally? Wouldn't that be crazy?
Well, I'm off to therapy. Seriously, if you've even considered acupuncture, try it! Just make sure they specialize in infertility. There's a huge difference between having it done by someone like I did today, and going to someone that took an extra class ( like chiropractors-no offense chiros!)
I am so glad it went well!! It sounds so relaxing!!