Thursday, May 30, 2013

Happy Birthday to me!

Yep, that's right.  It's my birthday.  I'll admit I had problems with this one.  Yes, I know 29 is still young.  However, it's the same age my mom was when she finished having kids.  I guess that kinda bugs me.  I know times were different yadda yadda yadda.  So I've tried to adopt a better attitude about it, especially considering the less than wonderful appt I had with Dr. KK last week.  My new thought is that 28 (and 27 too kinda) sucked.  29 is going to be better.  And ya know what?  I already think it will be.
  I woke up to a couple emails from Dr. KKs office.  One was telling me that my PAI-1 level is now normal (thank you magic metformin) and the other was my modified protocol including dates from Dr. KK.  I"VE BEEN GIVEN THE GREEN LIGHT TO CYCLE IN JULY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  yes that needed to be all in caps.  I can't even believe it!  best birthday gift ever.  Once I get my calender figured out, I'll clue you all in on what extra is going into this round, but for now, I'm off to enjoy my birthday with my husband.


  1. I turn 29 in July and I know exactly how you feel - I always thought I'd be done with kids by the time I was 30 and now I'll be lucky to give birth to my first by 30.
    I hope the final year of your 20's is the best one!

  2. That's wonderful! Happy birthday to you! :-)
    PS: I feel you on the age thing - my mom had 4 kids by my age and I'm still trying for #1. Yuck.

  3. Happy Belated Birthday to you! I'm glad you got great news on your birthday!

  4. Thanks everyone! I feel much better about 29 now!
