Saturday, September 28, 2013

Not how I wanted to spend my Friday night

  Yesterday was an uneventful day or the most part.  My plan was to go grocery shopping, as I'd been putting it off for a few days.  I've noticed that normal daily activities get me tired some days, so I've been spreading them out and resting a lot.  I've also been reading a book about multiple pregnancies, since a lot of the baby books don't get too much info about diet and things like that when there's more than one baby.  It's called When You're Expecting Twins, Triplets, or Quads, by Barbara Luke.  It's a lot of information, but a very good read.  Their diet recommendations inspired me to grocery shop. 
  Since I've been feeling pretty good, my plan was to make a real dinner.  I haven't been cooking much, aside from what I can toss in the crockpot.  So for dinner, I made Italian breaded chicken and gnocci with spinach.  It was delicious.  After that, DH and I just watch TV and relaxed.  Which really means I watched TV and DH fell asleep on the couch.  I was going to have a little ice cream, and DH was trying to talk me into getting some for him before he fell asleep.  As I was laying on the couch, I started to not feel so great, so I abandoned the ice cream idea to just stay put on the couch.  About 9:30, I woke DH up and suggested we go to bed, as he was sleeping anyways.  I headed upstairs to get ready for bed as he turned off lights and made sure the cats had food and water.  That's where things started to go wrong. 
  I've been on vaginal antibiotic cream at bedtime for the past week because the swab they did at my first ob appt came back positive for bacteria.  My last dose should have been last night, so I went to the bathroom to get it over with.  When I was done peeing for the 400th time that day, I wiped and noticed bright red blood on the toilet paper.  My heart stopped.  It was like a light period and sure enough when I checked the toilet, there was blood in the water as well, but no clots.  I pulled up my pants, forgoing the antibiotic, and called DH, trying to remain calm.  By the time I told him I was bleeding, I was crying.  He asked me when I meant that I was bleeding and I ran through the situation.  He reminded me that we had been told that if the SCH bled, it might look worse than it is, and that it didn't mean a miscarriage.  I reminded him that the didn't see the SCH anymore on this past week's ultrasound.  I questioned if we should page the OB and DH agreed we should. 
  When the on call OB called me back (there's only 2 in the practice), I ran through the situation.  He felt that it was probably the SCH, and that since I was already 12 weeks, that the babies should be fine.  He also confirmed that this more than likely wasn't due to weaning the progesterone because their placentas should be doing the work now.  He did offer to have me go to the ER for an ultrasound, for peace of mind.  DH agreed we would go to the closer community hospital vs the one I work at.  My hospital is a trauma center, so the wait time would be greater on a friday night.  The OB said he'd check in with the attending so he would know what's going on.  We got redressed, jumped in the car and were off to the hospital.
  It felt weird to go in a car.  Honestly the only time I've ever gone to the ER was by ambulance.  We made it in about 15 minutes, and got checked in right away.  They triaged me and asked a bunch of questions mostly regarding the bleeding and my extensive med list.  At that point, I warned them if they took my blood pressure, it would be really high because I was so worried.  Sure enough, it was 177/100.  I don't think it's been that high ever.  They put me back in the waiting room, until the lab tech called me.  As part of triage, they draw labs before you see the Dr.  It turns out that my phlebotomist is on respiratory therapy school and does his clinicals in my unit.  He was a good stick, got it on the first try and back to the waiting room I went. 
    An ER tech finally brought us back to a room, had me change into a gown and said she'd send in the Dr.  I think we saw him within 20 minutes or so.  He asked lots of questions, seemed kind of skeptial of the meds I'm on from the immunologist and a little arrogant.  He said I'd get an ultrasound, but he also wanted to do a pelvic exam to check the bleeding.  My ER nurse was fantastic though.  Nice and funny.  The Dr finally came back, and DH stepped out.  The exam was uncomfortable (and I'm still sore today), but quick.  He said he just wanted to check the bleeding to be able to report back to the OB.  Next was ultrasound, but we waited a long time for that.  I think they finally took me between 1:30 and 2 am. 
  My ultrasound tech was just as fabulous as my nurse.  As soon as she started, she showed me the babies and said both of them were moving and had heartbeats.  What a relief!!!!!!!!   I thought I would cry.  They both measured one day ahead still, with strong heartbeats of 163(A) and 157(B).  She found that my SCH is, in fact, still there right between the placentas.  She also found that part of Baby A's placenta is overlying my cervix, a partial placenta previa.  She said it's possible the bleeding could come from either the SCH or the placenta.  My cervix was nice and long at a little over 4cm, and tightly closed.  Thank God.
  I was taken back to my little ER room and a lab person came in saying we needed more labs.  I wasn't happy about getting stuck, but got that over with.  I was told all we were waiting for was the radiologist to read the report and give the info to the ER Dr.  Around 2:45 another lab person came saying now they wanted to check my electrolytes.  Both DH & I were like, no, you can't keep sticking me.  They talked to my nurse and came back saying they could use blood already in the lab.  Finally, the Dr came back and told us what the ultrasound tech already told me.  He confirmed the SCH and the placenta previa, and said that my OB wants pelvic rest and to take it easy this weekend.  He also wants to see me Monday.  His final recommendation was to give me Rhogam.  My blood type is O negative and DH is A positive.  I knew I'd get rhogam at some point because of this.  When the rH factors don't match, my body can create antibodies against DH's blood which is dangerous for future pregnancies.  They wanted to give it because we don't know if the bleeding was from the SCH, which is my blood, or the placenta, which could be DHs blood type.
  The nurse came in, gave me my shot then left to make sure they were sending me home.  She came back with my discharge instructions and we were on our way home.  We made it home by about 3:30.  I feel bad because DH had planned to go on a day trip today with his dad to WI and needed to be at their house at 7am, meaning he'd have to leave by 6.  Poor guy got maybe 2 hours of sleep.  Hopefully he slept in the car on the way up.  As for me, my plan is to take it as easy as possible.  I'm still bleeding and having some cramping, but they said that was normal.  I've emailed Dr. KKs office too to let them know what happened and that I am holding my lovenox until I talk to them monday.  That's the standing rule.  bleeding =no lovenox or baby aspirin.  I am trying my best to stay off google.  The ER Dr said it's possible that as there is continued growth, that the placenta can migrate upward.  So I'm praying for that, and expecting that the OB will send me to the MFM sooner than we thought.

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