Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Not quite sure what to think

  Maybe it's just me, but infertility has made me very paranoid about the relationships I have with people.  Am I saying too much?  Am I not saying enough?  Am I making enough effort?  Will they think what I say is crazy and stop talking to me?  You get the point.  I never used to worry about that with my best friend.  We've known each other since we were 3, I can tell her anything.  Lately though, it feels like she's withdrawing from the friendship.  I know her life is in a different place.  She has a 2 year old and another baby on the way.  I can't drag her down with the doom & gloom of infertility. 
    She has another Mommy friend, who has a son the same age as her daughter and a little baby girl.  I'll admit, I get jealous of this other friend.  They have the friendship I always thought my friend and I would have.  Raising our kids together, and having them be best friends like she & I are.  I can't help be feel left behind.  Will I ever catch up and be able to be a part of that?  Will our friendship disappear if I can never participate in that? 
   I asked her if she & her daughter had plans any of the 3 days I am off this week.  I was told that her father in law is in town and staying with them, but she'd let me know if he left. This isnt unusual, but then her other mommy friend posted a photo of them at the park.  I know the photo could've been from another day, but it still hurt my feelings.  Like maybe she'd rather hang out with her mommy friend.
  I suppose she doesn't know that I've been sad.  I can't fault her for that.  It's just hard to reach out when you already feel so isolated.  I suppose it's a good thing that I have a therapist now, but it still doesnt take the place of your best friend.   

1 comment:

  1. Hello, I just found your blog and this post definitely resonates with me. Not the exact situation but the fact that I can feel some of my friendships changing as a result of our status on the TTC-front. Just wanted to say I'm sorry and that you're not alone! Best of luck
