Fear not, I survived the surgery! I've just been taking it easy this past day. Overall it seemed very straightforward. I have minimal pain, which is very surprising.
We arrived at the sugicenter at 10:45 as instructed with my first morning urine in a cup in a paper bag. I affectionately called it my pee bag. Why did I need to bring a pee bag? Oh because they needed to make sure I wasn't pregnant. HA! After filling out the forms, they called me back at about 11. I was taken to preop when I changed into a gown and their slipper socks. Even though I answered their pre registration, the nurse still had a million questions for me. She took my vitals, and as I suspected, my blood pressure was very high. What can I say, I was NERVOUS!
Once the Q&A were over, I got to meet my anesthesiologist. She was super nice and friendly. She had reviewed my questionaire and told me that my sleep apnea score was kinda high. Jeremy says I snore sometimes, but I always atribute it to being very tired from work. She said I might want to have an evaluation. I'll keep it in mind, but I'm not running out to book another specialist appt.
Next came my favorite part. The IV. My nurse (Marlene) started looking and I warned her my hands were icy cold due to my nervousness, so I might need a warm blanket to help her. She agreed. I know where my veins are, so I knew she was having a hard time finding one she liked. Instead of sticking, she let he anestheologist (Dr. Kahn) try instead. I appreciate that she did that. It takes a lot to put pride aside as a nurse & admit when you need that kind of help. Dr Kahn found one she liked in my right hand, and I asked her not to tell me when she was going to do it. She was fabulous. It hurt, but she talked to me the whole time to try to keep me breathing & next thing I knew, she was done. Marlene started my IV fluids and I got to wait for Dr. Levrant. I did have a moment that I panicked a bit because there was a huge air bubble in my tubing that was migrating toward my vein. I called for Marlene & apologized for being a spazz. She took care of it, no complaints.
I could hear them calling Dr. Levrant's office on the phone, asking if hed be on time. I had to laugh because that man is not very punctual. The office swore he'd be on time, but as soon as I had confirmation they were talking about my Dr, I said I wouldn't be surprised if he was late. They finally let Jeremy come back & sit with me. I promptly showed off my newest outfit. Next thing I knew, running in comes Dr. Levrant. I laughed when he came in. I told him to slow down, and he insisted he'd be ready in a couple minutes. My OR nurse came to offer to take me to the bathroom. I took her up on it, since I really didn't want to be catheterized.
Next thing I knew it was time to go into the OR. I kissed Jeremy goodbye and in we went. The room was bright and freezing. Once I got on the table, they gave me warm blankets. Dr. Kahn came in & said lets get your comfy. She gave me something to relax me, then put some oxygen on my face. Next thing I knew, I was waking up & it was over. I was moved to the Recovery room. I graded my pain at a 5 on a scale of 1-10. The nurse quickly got something for that. Once I was more awake, they sat me up and took off the nasal cannula. I had no nausea, so Dr. Kahn must have taken good care of me.
I chatted with my post op nurse and it turns out she just went through IVF, but has to do a FET due to OHSS. Its so funny the places you meet fellow infertiles. She moved me to "phase 2" recovery which was a smaller room with a recliner in it. She helped me get in the chair, then offered me snacks and a drink. I'm telling you that was the best cheese its & cranberry juice ever. Jeremy was allowed to come back then. We went over after care instructions, then I had to try to pee (it was Dr. Levrant's rule for sending me home). It was successful, so the nurse took out my IV and let me get dressed. I was given prescriptions for pain meds and something for nausea in case I needed it. Jeremy went to get the car and I was allowed to go home. It was right before 3.
According to Jeremy, Dr. Levrant showed him photos of what he did and that it was a polyp. The polyp is on it's way to pathology. He also mentioned something about other "abnormalities" and that he went in for some additional scraping, but considering this info came from Jeremy, I'll take it with a grain of salt. Im supposed to stay on the BCPs and see the RE either at the end of the week or beginning of next week.
Since then, I've just been taking it easy. I've only needed a couple doses of the pain meds, and honestly, it feels somewhat like AF cramping at the worst. I'm glad this is all behind me. I heard back from the RI's office after sending them my additional testing. They would still like to see me, as there are other things that could still be at play. Looks like I'll keep the appt afterall. May is looking like a good month!
So glad to hear it went well!