Yesterday was our followup appt to talk about all the testing we've been doing. Overall it was a good appt and I feel good about our plan. We talked about the labwork, and for the most part it was all okay. I do not have PCOS, insulin resistance, or diabetes. The immune stuff he drew came back fine and I don't have a clotting disorder. We got our genetic panels back as well. It turns out I am a carrier for MTHFR gene mutation and DH actually has it or is "affected." The RE explained it as a deficiency in the ability to properly metabolize folic acid & because of that, there's a higher risk for blood clots. So we've both received a prescription for folic acid. He said that on the spectrum of genetic disorders, this one is relatively minor.
We then talked about the saline sonogram from Friday. He said that there is a polyp in there. Then he brings out the pictures. Now, I could've sworn on Friday he said it was "small." Well, on the photos, it looks like it takes up my whole uterus! Holy smokes! No wonder my embryos don't want to stick around! Next, we talked about what to do about it. He gave us 3 options. 1. do nothing 2. hysteroscopy 3. hysteroscopy & laproscopy. Option 1 was not an option for us, so that was nixed right away. For option 2, essentially, they put me under general anesthesia, thread a camera through my cervix and once they find what they are looking for, either snip it out, or scrape out the uterus. It'll depend what it looks like in there. Recovery is about 3-4 days and he would manage my pain with Toradol and Ibuprofen ( since I am allergic to codeine) Option 3 includes option 2, but they would also do a laproscopy to look at the outside of my ute/ovaries etc. They do this by making a few small incisions in my abdomen, put a camera through one of them and inflate the area with a little air. If they found scar tissue or endometriosis, they could take care of it then. Recovery would be closer to a week.
Initially, I said we should go with option 3, because I would already be under and it'd be nice to have the piece of mind. After talking about it with the RE and DH, we opted for option 2. There really isn't much evidence to suggest I have endo, nor have I had abdominal trauma/surgery to think there'd be scar tissue. My recovery will be shorter, and we still get that polyp the heck outta my ute.
After signing the consents, the surgery scheduler got me preverified, and because I am still on the BCPs, they were able to have some flexibility with scheduling it. I'll be having my hysteroscopy on Monday. Yes, this monday. I can't believe it happened so quickly!
The RE wants a cycle inbetween having this done and the IVF cycle, so it looks like I'll be cycling in May. I'm okay with that. I emailed my boss today and gave back the time off for april and asked about time for May. Im not worried about that though. My work for the most part has been fantastic.
I bet you're thinking, wait a minute. Doesn't she have that RI appt next tuesday? Well, I did. I thought I probably wouldnt want an ultrasound the day after the ute scraping, so I called & rescheduled it for March 27th. However, I'm not sure if I will keep it or not since all the immune stuff so far has been okay. The problem might have been the polyp, not my immune system, ya know? Maybe I'll send them my new labs & see what they think.
Wish me luck!
Good luck! I hope everything goes well! I think you were smart for going with option 2. I know from personal experience that option 3 is no fun at all. Let us know how it goes!