Friday, December 21, 2012

How many times can I break till I shatter?

Needless to say, my negative home tests were right and my beta level today is 0.  I had been braced for this, but it still stings.  My RE feels IVF will work for us and we're getting closer to success.  He was happy with the cycle besides the BFN.  I told him I need some time before cycling again, but I want to be more aggressive and persue more testing in the mean time.  I'll make a WTF appointment with him, but I want to get through the holidays first. 

Things on my list to ask about are:
Immune & RPL testing.  I know I haven't technically had a loss yet, but maybe there's something at play I don't know about.

Endometrial biopsy and/or saline sonogram. 

Any alternative therapies to add on such as accupuncture etc.

Part of me is afraid to stop all treatment, so I questioned if IUIs in the meantime would be okay.  He didn't feel theyd help a whole lot but we can talk about it.  I also know I need to lose weight.  Again, we'll worry about that after the holidays.

On the plus side, my amh level was 1.82.  He told me he isn't concerned until its less than 1.  So at least theres that.

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